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New things are coming!

It has been quite a long time since I have written a post, and I'm sorry about that! It is my goal to devote more time to educating and helping people achieve better health through nutrition, so I am excited to tell you about my new plan!

I will be opening my own clinic, starting in January 2018.

This won't be like other clinics you currently go to or belong to. This will be a direct primary care clinic. We all know that there is something significantly wrong with medicine at this point (if you need more evidence, read this), and we need to find a different answer. I strongly believe that direct primary care will be part of the answer to this.

With direct primary care, the only people responsible for your health care are you and your doctor. I plan to remove the barriers to truly individualized primary and preventative care. I will do this by working outside of the insurance industry where profits are often prioritized over patients and more than a dozen individuals with no relationship to you are weighing in on your care plans. Unlike traditional practices, I will not be buried under meaningless paperwork or checking boxes on a computer screen so will have time to spend on your care. In removing this interference, this will return Family Medicine to its root values of clinical excellence and compassion for patients. I promise to deliver unprecedented accessibility, convenience, and affordability.

On top of that, I will also be opening an intensive dietary management program for people who need more help and guidance with dietary management of chronic diseases including diabetes, obesity and insulin resistance. This program will include as many months as you need of twice monthly visits/check-ins, twice monthly yoga, group visits, and as needed portal access for questions or concerns.

I can't tell you how excited I am about all of this! I will be in my current practice until December 31, 2017, and my new practice will be opening January 2, 2018 in Fort Collins, CO. You can check out my new website at

Thank you for all of your support, and let me know what you think!

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